Sweet pea, Aster, Poppy & Statice
For women who know the importance of diversity and imagination, it’s time to celebrate the beginning of your new future, only made possible by your efforts to live a life you enjoy.
これまでの様々な経験を糧に、新たな未来を歩む門出を祝い、 幸せな日々を紡がれることを願って。
Sweet pea, Aster, Poppy & Statice
A perfect combination of sweetness and spice makes up this crown. Sweet pea and poppy flowers made of organdy reflect the calm yet happy moments of life, while their partners, aster, and statice represent the excitement and thrill of new adventures with their deep rust embroidery.
Language of Flowers
Sweet pea | Departure
Aster | Variety
Poppy | Imagination
Statice | Remembrance
Olive leaves | Peace
スイートピー | 門出
アスター | 多様性
ポピー | 想像力
スターチス | 記憶
オリーブの葉 | 平和
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