Lavender, Silver Brunia & Lamb's Ear
In celebration of those who were able to move past the difficulties in their life and grasp onto a happy future next to their precious partner. Sending you wishes for a stronger, more brilliant life, even if there will be stormy days along with the bright ones. Take them in stride, and enjoy life.
辛いことや苦しいことを経て得た幸せな瞬間を祝うアイテム。 共に歩む人に巡り合った喜びを胸に、新たな一歩を踏み出し、そこで生まれる様々な感情持ち合わせて、 幸せになって欲しいという願いを込めた一品。
Lavender, Silver Brunia & Lamb's Ear
There is no part to insert into the hair for this headpiece. Please weave these flowers into your hair, or use hairpins to set them in place.
Lavender, Silver Brunia & Lamb's Ear
All parts for this headpiece.
Language of Flowers
Lavender | Devotion
Silver Brunia | Slight Courage
Lamb's Ear | Support
ラベンダー | 献身的な愛
シルバーブルニア | 小さな勇気
ラムズイヤー | 支え
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