Dried Peony
The big, beautiful peony becomes calm in shape and soft in color as time goes by. It will be like a charm as always by your side.
I would love to express the unique softness of dried flowers, so dyed cloth and threads, and make each detail of petals and leaves delicate.
華やかな大輪の芍薬が、時間の流れと共に、 落ち着いた雰囲気となり、穏やかにそっと寄り添う様な優しさを帯びる。 そのドライフラワーの持つ、独特な柔らかさを表現できるようにと、 染め、刺し仕上げた花の耳飾り。
Dried Peony
The language of peony is "Happy marriage and happy life."I hope these two happy times in life will last forever for you who receive this earring.
芍薬の花言葉は、【幸せな結婚と幸せな人生】 その二つの幸せな時間が永遠に続きます様にと願って。
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