Flowers from Mom's Garden
Inspired by a story of a mother’s love for her garden, this flower crown was bestowed to her child on her birthday.
Flowers from Mom's Garden
Using flowers found in the garden shared by mother and daughter, this crown creates a memory captured in time of the hours spent together. It is a keepsake to pass on to her own children in the future while maintaining warm memories of her mother for the rest of her life.
花を摘み、花冠を作った子供の頃の母との思い出。それは 温かで、大切にされた記憶はいつまでも心に残り、未来への支えとなるもの。
Flowers from Mom's Garden
These embroidered flowers will escape the caress of time and look as fresh as the day in the garden they spent together for years to come.
Flowers from Mom's Garden
All flowers are handcrafted individually and can be added one flower at a time to mark the child’s progress in life.
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